Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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सबै अनुबादहरु

सबै अनुबादहरु - azitrad

स्रोत भाषा
अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा

नतिजा 1 - 20 (जम्मा लगभग 320)
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स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी Cafetiera
This elegant model has smooth aluminium sides. High pressure steam in the bottom section forces the water up through the coffee and into the top. Altough heated on a gas ring, the heatproof handle and stylish design mean it can be used at dinner table. Today, this model is found in 95% of Italian households and more than 250 million homes around the world.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रोमानियन Cafetiera
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
रोमानियन Ce faci, dragoste? Ai ajuns acasă? Te iubesc mult
Ce faci, dragoste? Ai ajuns acasă? Te iubesc mult.
<edit> "fc" -sms style, forbidden here- with "faci" - as this is the way it reads- </edit>

Edited with diacritics and punctuation - Freya

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Qu’est-ce que tu fais, mon amour? Es-tu arrivé à la maison ? Je t’aime beaucoup
स्रोत भाषा
Latin Animus audax,subdolus,varius,cuius rei lubet...
Animus audax,subdolus,varius,cuius rei lubet simulator ac dissimulator; alieni appetens,sui profusus,ardens in cupiditatibus;satis eloquentiae,sapientiae parum.Vastus animus immoderata,incredibilia,nimis alta semper cupiebat.
<Admin's remark>
This request is not acceptable according to rule 3.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रोमानियन ...
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी General Directorate of Public Finances of the...
General Directorate of Public Finances of the County of Cluj - Administration of Public Finances for Midlle-sized Taxpayers
Cluj is the name of a county in Romania

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
Bulgarian Главна дирекция...
स्रोत भाषा
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Programmateur électronique
अंग्रेजी Electronic control unit.
स्पेनी Programador electrónico
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
रोमानियन Vecinul trăsnit
Vecinul trăsnit
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Weird neighbour
स्रोत भाषा
रोमानियन schemă electrică desfăşurată
schemă electrică desfăşurată
Domeniu - inginerie electrică

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Electrical engeneering
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Persian language افشين سلام با آقاي طالب پور تماس ...
افشين سلام با آقاي طالب پور تماس گرفتي چرا زنگ مي زنم جواب تلفن نمي دي
este un email din iran si nu il inteleg

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Hi, Afshin. Did you contact Mr. Talebpur?
रोमानियन Bună, Afshin. L-ai contactat pe Dl. Talebpur?
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
युनानेली fantazomai den tha perase kala ...
fantazomai den tha perase kala dioto tha xe dunati musiki kai den tha mporouse na millisei!
<transliteration accepted by User10>

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी I guess she didn't have a great time, ...
रोमानियन Cred că nu s-a distrat...
स्रोत भाषा
इतालियन Vengo io a prenderti da casa domani
Vengo io a prenderti da casa domani

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी I will come to pick you up at home tomorrow.
10स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
तुर्केली seni õpmek istiyorum
seni õpmek istiyorum

If you do not have the proper diacritics when typing a text, please submit it in "meaning only " ("somente o significado"). thank you.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
ब्राजिलियन पर्तुगिज  Eu quero beijar você.
अंग्रेजी I want to kiss you.
रोमानियन Vreau să te sărut.
हन्गेरियन Meg akarlak csókolni
स्रोत भाषा
इतालियन Cara Mary, sono felice che dopo 3 anni sei...
Cara Mary, sono felice che dopo 3 anni sei ritornata nella zona mia ma sarei ancora più felice che al ristorante ci andassimo insieme. baci

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Dear Mary, I am happy that after 3 years you ...
स्रोत भाषा
इतालियन Ciao M., sono L.P., ti volevo dire che mi manchi...
Ciao M., sono L.P., ti volevo dire che mi manchi tanto e che appena arrivi leggi questa e-mail di contattarmi...Grazie :)...ti amo

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रोमानियन Bună M., sunt L.P., vroiam să-Å£i spun că îmi lipseÅŸti ...
स्रोत भाषा
रोमानियन Ajutarea operatorilor de imagine ...
Ajutarea operatorilor de imagine la poziţionarea în diferite unghiuri favorabile a camerei de filmare cu macaraua, introducerea de recuzită în platoul de filmare.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Helping the camera operators to ...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
रोमानियन a fost ...minunat
a fost ...minunat

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली C'était… merveilleux!
जर्मन Es war... wunderschön.
स्रोत भाषा
रोमानियन Răspunsul de la LG
Stimate Domn,

Cu părere de rău vă anunţăm ca LG nu face astfel de jocuri, ele sunt create de alte companii iar noi nu deţinem informaţii despre jocuri în desfăşurare. Puteţi căuta pe site-urile personalizate cu jocuri şi să cumpăraţi cele care sunt compatibile cu modelul dumneavoastră de telefon.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी The answer from LG
स्रोत भाषा
हन्गेरियन Megtanit majd engem az ido, hogyan kiser majd...
Megtanít majd engem az idő, hogyan kísér majd balsors, snem kedvező... harcom végén a halál, mely nem lesz dicső... végüla gonosz arat, csúf, csalfa diadalt... nekünk semmi se marad.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Time will teach me how much ...
रोमानियन Timpul mă va învăţa cât de mult mă va însoÅ£i ....
Latin Tempus me docebit quantopere res adversae me comitentur...
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी Stimulating imagery statements ...
Stimulating imagery statements will deliver your bussines message to your target audience . We understand the importance of your visual identity, and will preserve it by a continuous search for those emotional and visual keys of your brand.
We will then embark on a plan to implement this by producing your brand creative collaterals.
Finally we will help you through a special programme of consultancy to control and guard your gained values in your internal teams and others business partners.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रोमानियन Stimularea afirmaÅ£iilor vizuale...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
इतालियन caro amore, i problemi della vita si risolvono...
caro amore, i problemi della vita si risolvono meglio in due (io e te insieme)

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रोमानियन Dragă iubire, problemele vieÅ£ii se rezolvă...
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